My lack of "facebooking" is on my mind. Most days I could care less about posting anything or just don't even have a thought of doing it at all, because as the saying goes, "Out of sight, out of mind...", I rarely get on the computer for ANYTHING unless I have to.
My complex is obvious...I'm not a fan of this internetworking (is that a word? because it's pretty good). but it's the way the world lives! It's as though every single person I know uses this tool for every single element of their lives! I see people everywhere on their phones, even while driving, attempting to keep their connection. I realize I have my own judgements toward this, and yeah I don't think anyone should be on a phone while driving period! But it is neither good nor bad. Who am I to impose a judgement on the way others live? This is our reality right now and we're in a space of strange changes and shifts. Facebook is a mind-blowing social tool that DOES cultivate connection, encourages the sharing of ideas, and offers us involvement in a strange matrix of human interaction.
My personal feelings of connection are magnetized to the Earth and the Cosmos, various native cultures, ancient ways, art, music, exploration of the mind, and freedom of the soul to breathe and study the self. Many days I feel like an old Indonesian woman in a young white woman's body.
I spend much of my time in contemplation or in direct service to others. Rarely do I feel comfortable "marketing" myself or blasting to the world all of my life info. It's probably because I'm an Ascending Scorpio who likes privacy ;)
So this is no disrespect to those that do use facebook for what it's for. I actually admire others' dedication to community, nurturance of relationships, and the spreading of positive information! And that's what I want to do too!
It's just that this is where I'm at in my own personal awareness of resistance toward our man-made technologies and systems, and since this is MY page, well here I am....Speaking my TRUTH!
As I begin to find balance using this technological tool for the good of the whole and for my own abundance and growth, I want each and every one of you to know how much it means to me that you might actually read this verbose piece of prose, and take a glimpse into my heart of hearts and feel my Truth. I am not seeking a solution for this quandary per se, but merely offering a vulnerability to the technological "powers that be" that I be supported in living comfortably in this modern world.
I DO desire for connection, for I know I have the power of Spirit within me to influence others in a most awesome way. What a blessing!!!!
So I wanted to share my genuine appreciation for your love and connection to me, my work and my life.... and I apologize for my lack of initiative in this realm.
THANK YOU for coming to my classes, THANK YOU for supporting the work I do with herbs, gong, chakras, astrology, meditation, self-inquiry, yoga, art, and public speaking. I share these gifts selflessly, from the bottom of my heart.
SALUD and SAT NAM.....!