Monday, December 31, 2012


Healing should not be held within the constraints of just merely physical medicine. Assuming the only relief to our depression, frustration or whatever ails us lies within tangible parameters is a bit silly! Overall wellbeing is much more than that. Let's not stifle our happiness, right?
When we feel confused or complacent or upset, and choose to be creative instead of brooding and worrying, we find ourselves exploring a deeper level to our humanity and happiness.

Our healing journeys encompass many layers and dimensions. One of those realms is undoubtedly ART. You know that feeling when observing a painting or design for the first time, and feeling the tug at your heart strings....this is indeed healing. A chord has been struck, a window opened, and light of appreciation illuminated.
In turn, creatively expressing oneself through artistic projects can release pent up energy, maddening inspiration, open up emotional blockages, help us cope with daily life, and bring joy and wonder to the mind. It may just illuminate a light in someone other than yourself!

When's the last time you drew a silly picture or practiced on a sewing or craft project? Do you take the time to express from the heart what is swirling around in your imaginative brain? You can draw, paint, finger paint, work with clay, knit, weld, build sculptures out of found objects, collage, hell even scrapbook! (that's not my thing but hey it's the ACT we're going for here)
 I know I'd like to make more art than I give my time to, but when I do get that wave of motivation I ride it!

Here are some of th fun things I made from this year and a couple years back. Feel free to comment and share what you like to do! Make even share a picture?!
Hope ya dig :)

He's a pretty fun guy. (fungi....get it? it's laffy taffy quality up in here)

The perfect touch for the lapel on some butt-flappin', outhouse-rockin', long red underwear. (Yes I live with the man who wears em)

Kiki's "heart on her sleeve". Looks pretty cute on the arm of her sweater!

Using up vintage fabrics and leftover buttons...owl see you later craft scraps!

"Verla the Vicious" 6 1/2 foot tall Squid. Don't know if I could do it again. A labor of love for sure. Best thing I ever did make though.

Verla's partner in crime, "Cycloptopus". She's no longer with me as I gave her away to this great guy as a tip for a kick ass tattoo. Check him out!

Oh, hey there! xoxo

Eye think I'll have another please...

Itty bitty cutie watercolor test

It's all about balance.....for T Money <3

For Amy and her playful spirit <3

What to do with random google-y eyes? Make mustachioed friends with em!

An embroidered wallet for my homegirl, Wren. 

The one and only. Age drew it, I stitched it. Sorry Age, it's on my cardigan now! ;)

Sunday, December 30, 2012

the urge to purge.....set your intentions!

'tis the New Year and the time when most of us are contemplating how to keep on keepin' on with goodness in our heart and our minds on point. I agree!

The month of December has been intense, to say the least. This year in general really unraveled my knots, in a real good way, and got me thinking of myself, my loved ones, and my dreams in ways I never imagined. I'm sure you can understand. Each person I meet or revisit seems to carry a similar sense of self-reflection that ultimately leads to questions of, "How did I get here? Where do I go from here? What is my purpose?" It is this lulling out of the Kali Yuga, the age of destruction and the shadow self, into the light of the age of aquarius, that is required for us to reevaluate our present situation.

The end of this Gregorian calendar year of 2012 is an appropriate time to do just that. You what?!
Take a moment to set an intention or intentions for 2013...not just goals that are either passed of failed, but INTENTIONS...set the gears into motion for what your life calls for---even if it seems impossible!

I'd like to share one of my New Year's Intentions...

To be true and compassionate and sweet to all of the love in my life. To share love with all of those I meet.

Put your intention into motion with me on Sunday December 30th @ 11:30am and Monday December 31st @ 8:30am for Hatha Gong Yoga at the Spirit of Yoga in Tempe, AZ.
***Special Event***Intention-Setting Gong Meditation on December 31st from 10-10:30am at Spirit of Yoga.

"What better place than here, what better time than now?"
                                                           Cheers, The Wise Owl

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Compassion for Change

It's cliche but true...
Life is about cycles and the changes brought into being as a result. These cycles, whether great or small, offer us an opportunity to reflect and expand our knowledge and awareness. I'd say this applies to just about anything considered a "life experience"...pretty vague but all encompassing,
we can find hidden and obvious lessons, bits of information, sweetness, inspiration, deep-seated fears...what-have-you, by merely acknowledging they happened. What might that mean?
I invite you right now, to take a deep breath in, exhale completely, and consider...

The human condition is to easily become attached to the world, attached to the material, and resistant to change. Yes, relationships and jobs and possessions are real, animating our worlds with amazing-ness. Yet, some day, when we least expect it, we are removed from these things and the soul is taken on a journey to a different life with different circumstances...taking off one cloak and putting on another, if you will.
Ya see...nothing ever stays the same and that's the truth. External validation, attachments to the world, and dependency on the approval from others for happiness only takes us so far.
We come into this life alone, and we go out alone. This is fact. Why do we hardly ever discuss it?
These ideas frighten most folk, so instead we distract ourselves by focusing on trivial, mundane satisfaction-makers like play-stations, crazy-staged drama real-life TV, celebrity distraction, professional sports....this is life. Don't get me wrong....I love a good mindless TV show like everyone else. But to stay in this kind of comfort zone all of the time is disheartening and numbing to the human spirit and our heart of hearts. 

The inevitable is that ALL THINGS WILL CHANGE AND TRANSFORM! We want to avoid it and ignore it, but everyone will die at some point, and ya can't take your winning status from that video game with you! If we have this idea stuck in our minds think we only get one shot at life, are we less likely to find compassion for what's going on and give meaning to the subtleties? We are negating an iceberg the size of the universe when we close ourselves off to this idea. I think great wisdom comes from pondering death and considering the depth of wisdom death may bring. It seems like when people find out they might die soon, they start to change, they reassess their lives, they do stuff they never thought they would.
Maybe it's because remembering that we will all die, even me, even you, someday....shifts how we live our lives right now.

The reason this topic has come on so strong is that I recently received the news my dear and beloved grandmother (who had an equal hand in raising my brother and me as youngsters) has a mass of tumors wrapped around her pancreas and kidneys, thus given a life-expectancy of 3 weeks to 6 months. She's almost 90, has survived the dust-bowl and poverty, worked a tough life on a farm, raised 4 children, could beat anybody at Wheel of Fortune, can shoot a gun and bake a cake in the same day, and is still as sharp as a tack. This woman was a pioneer, an herbalist a naturalist, and didn't even claim it. She is wry and witty and real. And honestly, I know she's ready to go. Yes, it's sad to think of her leaving, sad to think of how long my 98-year-old grandfather might make it after she passes, heart-wrenching to see my mother lose her mother... but at the end of the day...all things must change.

So, we find our happiness within. We cannot control what happens to our lovers or our mothers or anyone, and when we realize this we can reflect on an internal sense of gratitude and compassion. The paradox of all of this is, is our EGO...necessary for the human experience yet such a blockade in the mind about what potentially exists. However, when we stitch the fabric between our EGO, our individual self, with the heart, the seat of compassion, we acknowledge that there's something more.
This is my intrigue right now. Compassion is not just given...receiving compassion is equal in importance. This is the balance within the heart that overrides the fear and doubt of the mind, the fear and doubt of life and death. Purpose and fulfillment are found when compassion is in one's heart.
This is fact.
Why do we hardly ever discuss it?
It's seems as though it's easier to distract our minds rather than find the courage in our hearts to face these fears; because these types of ideas frighten most folk. We then push these fears deep down inside of ourselves and wonder why our lives are so chaotic and full of anxiety and stress!?

It all reminds me of the fabulous movie, Harold and Maude, which illustrates the beauty of living and the beauty of death. Check it out if you have not already and L-I-V-E......LIVE! Live now because all things must change and there's no sense in waiting.

From my heart to yours,