Wednesday, November 27, 2013

release the grief & appreciate the small stuff

it's almost Thanksgiving y'all.
& it's a perfect time to consider what's bubbling up in the space of the heart.
yes, sometimes holidays can be aggravating.
we easily get caught up....
in traveling & traffic, cooking & planning, money, family, weather, hustle, bustle....
there could be anything to piss you off or stress you out or jab a thorn in your side.
OR there could be something which lightens your load, brightens your heart, & brings a smile to your face to remind you to SLOW DOWN. APPRECIATE. OFFER GRATITUDE. BREATHE.

most of all....
release the grief & enjoy the little things.

the energetic space of the heart chakra, Anahata, is all about balancing opposing energies to create peace, love & understanding. the heart has no boundaries, no limits, no expectations & definitely no judgement. here we find an infinite well of giving, loving & receiving.

& although holidays seem to be centered around these heart-centered ideas & actions, holidays also conjure up mixed emotions for most.
the elemental connection to the heart is AIR. thus, we breathe when we become tense or stressed. we breathe to move energy. we use the winds of change, the breath of the spirit, to shift our consciousness....releasing grief & inviting in compassion. releasing stress & inviting in gratitude.
letting go of our grudges & opening to empathy. take a moment, right now, to breathe long & deep.
take a moment to feel the power & potency of the breath.

so looking beyond the story of the natives & pilgrims (because quite frankly I can't speak on that right now without getting a little heated & passionate....did thanksgiving REALLY happen the way we think it did??? hmmm I'm skeptical) ...
& exploring beyond the hype of making turkey & stuffing & pumpkin pie....
look into the space of the heart. count your blessings whether few or many.
& truly, honestly, genuinely take a moment to breathe & offer thanks.

I speak with conviction today. Because last night I received some very upsetting & soul-crushing news that a very good friend has suddenly passed on. I'm mostly speechless & overwhelmed with emotion, but I can't help but ponder the irony of this thanksgiving. Yet despite this sadness & grief, I can only revel in the gratitude for having been gifted the friendship & connection with this very special person. He brought to my life an openness & joy which I rarely encounter from another human. He was like a father or uncle or guardian who gave selflessly & completely from his heart. He's also the skilled craftsman who recently gifted me the gong stand he built me for my birthday....out of the kindness of his heart. He attended to the details, from the shape & style of the wood, to the sparkling owl at the very top. I feel so honored to now carry his spirit with me each time I play the gong.

Our time here is limited & even though we don't dare speak of it too much, death is around every corner. So don't waste your time stressed out about the little things or the nit-picky shit that grinds your gears. Just enjoy & appreciate the small stuff. Offer your heart to those who love & support you, & even the person on the street whom you may never see again. Thank the animals & plants who sacrifice their spirits for your plate. Thank the people who work hard to provide these elements to you.
& above all, thank yourself for being perfect as you are, imperfections & all.

happy thanksgiving my friends! may the light & love of the ever-giving heart be with you.

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