Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Death is Thy Master

Death is a cruel but necessary master of our entangled fates.

Dismantling, dissolving & surrendering to the powers beyond our limited control offers us a strange & blessed opportunity to experience a deeper sense of connection: and paradoxically, the freedom from attachment.

Death is the phenomenal teacher of impermanence. Death seeks no award of recognition for its difficult task. Death knows it is a tough but beautiful job, as death, change, movement keeps the cycles flowing.
Death knows its purpose purely & without hesitation.
Its honor is in the cataclysm & surge of force it commands.
Death stuns & shakes, humbles & awakes.

Death is beyond time or logic, ego or mind, beyond any volume of supposed information.
Death is the twisted knowledge of the darkness. YOUR darkness. MY darkness.
OUR inevitable darkness.

Birth extends invitation for death. Death RSVPs & bring it's special guest, rebirth.
Do you see the connection? There cannot be one without the other.

Black & White.
Mother & Father.
Moon & Sun.
Yin & Yang,
Inward & Outward.

Cycles, cypers, circles, chakras....
everything is in its right place!
Revel in the explicit & ecstatic dance of duality!

This balancing act sets the stage for the human drama.
And you my dear are the Star!
(But who is directing the film? Who wrote the script?)

The inquiry beyond birth & death opens a flow of infinite potential, a greater Source of wisdom, the curious wonder of the ONEness.
To explore a Truth beyond birth & death requires courage to bravely travel the Void,
the Womb of Creation.
Descension. Crescendo. Explosion. Ascension.

To fear not death is to accept the challenge of simply being.
Do not be afraid to explore the spectrum of light & dark.
Be completely alive!
& Always be prepared for death.
Proverbial - Metaphorical - Figurative - Literal.

The pain & suffering of love & loss teaches the beauty & grace of life itself.

Yes it is mysterious.
Yes it is a conundrum,
But this is our work.
This is the mystery of our inevitable fate!
Oh what a tangled web we weave...

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